Simtel MSDOS 1995 January
Simtel - 10000 MSDOS Shareware Programs (Walnut Creek)(January 1995)(Disc 1).ISO
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From: NETOPRWA@ncsuvm.ncsu.edu (Wayne Aiken)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc
Subject: Larry Rainey's DOS 5.0 patches
Date: 1 Jul 91 04:17:44 GMT
This is from StarFleet BBS (919) 782-3095 24 hrs 14.4HST/DS
------------------------------cut here----------------------------------
Below, I present sections of code from MicroSoft MSDOS 5.00,
dis-assembled with DEBUG so that those with versions of DOS other than
the ones listed above can find the offsets for their COMMAND.COM.
In every most DOS versions, most of the sections of code to be patched
are unchanged, they are simply shifted in position so it's just a
question of locating the correct offsets by searching for strings of
bytes from the sections of code listed below. The main trick here is
to avoid addresses in the code which are likely to be different (most
absolute addresses will be different while relative addresses may or
may not be different). Assuming you're handy with DEBUG or a similar
debugger and know some 8088 assembly, you should be able to pull it
off. If DEBUG's search command is too limited, you might try
Unassembling the whole COMMAND.COM to a text file and using an editor
or lister utility to search.
Here are the sections of code from MicroSoft MSDOS 5.00:
The environment size
-u 165b
1111:165B 58 POP AX
1111:165C C706C01E5100 MOV WORD PTR [1EC0],0051
1111:1662 C706BE1E1000 MOV WORD PTR [1EBE],0010 <<default envir. size>>
1111:1668 BAD498 MOV DX,98D4
1111:166B B104 MOV CL,04
1111:166D D3EA SHR DX,CL
1111:166F 8916CE1E MOV [1ECE],DX
1111:1673 2BC2 SUB AX,DX
1111:1675 A39802 MOV [0298],AX
1111:1678 A12C00 MOV AX,[002C]
Just searching for '10 00' should find this one.
Echo off for AUTOEXEC.BAT
-u 1a7d
1111:1A7D A15202 MOV AX,[0252]
1111:1A80 C606A60203 MOV BYTE PTR [02A6],03 <<Change 03 to 02 for
1111:1A85 C706B5020100 MOV WORD PTR [02B5],0001 ECHO OFF in AUTOEXEC.BAT>>
1111:1A8B 8EC0 MOV ES,AX
1111:1A8D 33FF XOR DI,DI
1111:1A8F B000 MOV AL,00
1111:1A91 AA STOSB
1111:1A92 B001 MOV AL,01
1111:1A94 AA STOSB
1111:1A95 33C0 XOR AX,AX
1111:1A97 AA STOSB
1111:1A98 AB STOSW
1111:1A99 AB STOSW
1111:1A9A AA STOSB
1111:1A9B AB STOSW
1111:1A9C AB STOSW
Searching for '03 C7 06' works or 'AA AB AB AA' should find this
Echo off for other batch files
-u 2ace
1111:2ACE 26 ES:
1111:2ACF A0A602 MOV AL,[02A6]
1111:2AD2 2401 AND AL,01 <<change 01 to 00 for ECHO OFF
1111:2AD4 50 PUSH AX in regular bat files>>
1111:2AD5 33C0 XOR AX,AX
1111:2AD7 26 ES:
1111:2AD8 F7065202FFFF TEST WORD PTR [0252],FFFF
1111:2ADE 7414 JZ 2AF4
1111:2AE0 26 ES:
1111:2AE1 A15202 MOV AX,[0252]
1111:2AE4 26 ES:
1111:2AE5 803EB80201 CMP BYTE PTR [02B8],01
1111:2AEA 7408 JZ 2AF4
1111:2AEC 06 PUSH ES
1111:2AED 8EC0 MOV ES,AX
Look for '24 01 50 33 C0'.
Larry Rainey 6/11/91
Recapped in easy keyin format:
-E 1666 10 20
-E 1A84 03 02
-E 2AD3 01 00
will make echo off the default and set you environment to 512 (x'20')
Wayne Aiken netoprwa@ncsuvm.bitnet "You can BE what
PO Box 30904 netoprwa@ncsuvm.cc.ncsu.edu you WON'T!!"
Raleigh, NC 27622 slack@ncsu.edu --"Bob"
(919) 782-8171 StarFleet BBS: (919) 782-3095